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Thanks for visiting my site! When I found out about Neocities, I knew I had to create a website! I had more than one Geocities websites back in the day, and I thought it would be really fun to give this one a little 90s flair on the main page here.

As you can see from my header image, this site is under construction. Currently, the Farscape section is the most developed part of the site, but it's still in progress, like the rest of the site.

It would be amazing if personal websites really became a thing again. The kind of creative expression and freedom that you can have on a website can't compare to the restrictiveness of social media. Ever since social media and blogging seem to have over taken the internet, a lot of the cretivity of personal websites is diminished.

So I thought it would be awesome if I could contribute to a resurgence of personal websites.

Take a listen to my playlist at the top of the page and leave a message in my chatbox to the right if you like!

Thanks for visiting!